thank u for adding me.

I’m working on a project that connect p5.js to Reaper in order to send to some other devices (iPad or other pc) a score that automatically changes pages with the music read by Reaper.
I activated OSC in Reaper and I can receive the timeline in a p5.js project so I can use that to show the score and change, but when I’m trying to connect to another device I can not see anything. The error is that is failed to load resources, particularly the http://localhost:8081/ is not found.

I use node.js first to open this file called bridge.js to open the connection with OSC Reaper and host the server on :3000.

In the public folder I’ve got the .js files and index.html, I put in here the index.html:

That’s it! Can someone figure out how can I solve my situation?
Thank you in advance for the help!

jacques Default Asked on October 27, 2018 in Programming.
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